1. The story. The more you can tell me about the subject, the better!
2. Who the photographs are for.
3. How they will be used e.g. print, social, media etc.
4. How quickly you need the final images.
This information can change the way I shoot, the equipment I use and how I quote for the work. If you are not sure, we can talk through this together.
Waea: +64 21 279 3489 Īmera: photos@rewapene.co.nz
Ko au te uri o Te Whakatōhea, Rongowhakaata me Pākēha hoki. I tipu aku au ki Ōtepoti, mā runga i te whenua ataahua o Ngāi Tahu.
I am of Māori and Pākēha descent and whakapapa back to the Bay of Plenty area. I grew up in Dunedin on the beautiful land of Ngāi Tahu.
With over 15 years of experience across all genres, my style has developed into a fusion of documentary, fine art and portrait photography.
Specialising in events, portraiture and architectural photography, I work to connect people, place and culture.
With over 7 years of experience in marketing my skills flow through to business strategy development and advertising.
This experience gives me a good understanding of brand and shooting to brief.
Elliott Erwitt.